+254712345678 >> Mon - Sat 8Am - 8PM

Our Services

Our buses

Your everyday time, money and convenience matter to us.


Tik tok tik tok. We'll always take you there right on the dot just when you need the ride.


They say money can't buy you time, then don’t waste it on a queue.


Walking all the way to the bus station. We'll take the hustle off your back with our convenient everyday pick-up rides.

Save time Save your money Save your energy

How it works - Booking

In order to book tickets successfully, passengers are required to follow the steps below:

1. Book a seat ticket:

Search for your route of travel and input your travel details.

2. Pay for your ticket:

Pay the required amount via M-Pesa.

3. Receive your booking confirmation:

Get a prompt sms and/or email confirmation with a unique code.

4. Present ticket to travel:

Present the sms and/or email to print ticket on the date of travel.

Well, now make the choice!

Tailored to all your nitty-gritty needs, transported by Captains who maintain a tight ship, so to speak (oya, oya captain)